"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today."
Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta
St. Raphael Faith Formation
At St. Raphael's Parish we offer a variety of options for faith formation to best suit the needs and learning styles of our youth. Regardless of which option students attend, the core content and curriculum is the same for each grade level.
K-11 Grade Faith Formation
St. Raphael Catholic School (K-6th grades)
Faith Formation Classes (Grades 1-12)
Atrium-Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (ages 2 1/2 through 6th grade) This is supplemental for grades 2-6.
Sacrament Registration Forms:
Confirmation is a two year program.
2nd Graders receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Winter and the Holy Eucharist in the Spring.
Catechists & Volunteers
We have a dedicated team of volunteer catechists! Most of our catechists have been sharing their faith for years in formal and informal settings. Many have received continuing education to increase their knowledge as well as using their own life experiences to teach about life with Christ and the churches traditions. Our catechists and volunteers lead by example and are some of the most active people in our parish and community.
Good teachers are those who learn alongside their students. And one of the best things a parent can do for their child is to be involved in their religious education. We are truly blessed by the fine leaders that we already have at St. Raphael’s Church and we ask that you consider joining us. Please continue to pray for more catechists and volunteers as we show our young people the love of the Church!
Interested in volunteering with St. Raphael Faith Formation? Give us a call 507-723-4137, or email Karen Reindl for more information at mrsreindl@straphaelpk-6.com.
NOTE: All catechists and volunteers must complete VIRTUS Safe Environment training as well as fill out a background check and other necessary forms.