Council of Catholic Women

Patron: Saint Anne

We are women, members of God’s family and each of us is holy in God’s sight. Each of us has been given particular talents and gifts. Each of us is called by loving God to share our talents and gifts and to enable others to share theirs. We are women who open ourselves to continual conversation allowing God to do His work within us. We find that journeying with His Spirt leads us to joy, love, peace, wisdom, and understanding.

President: Denise Reiner

Vice President: OPEN

Secretary: Julia Beyer

Treasurer: Donna Krueger

Spirituality Commission: Beth Sturm

Leadership Commission: Sarah Boettger and Mariah Pietig

Scholarship Commission: Maureen Miesen

Reverence for Life Committee Coordinator: Katie Dauer

Cheer & Hospitality Committee Coordinator: Sharon Ferdinandt

Service Commission: OPEN